1. Install Multiple Software from Nitrate
Ninite is a must have software for new window users. You can automatically install popular window program/applications in your Computer with the help of this software. It allows window users to make a selection from a list of applications and bundles the selection into a single installer package.
Automatic Window Updates consumes lots of your internet bandwidth. Save your internet bandwidth from turning off automatic Updates in Window 10.
You can do this using the Windows Update service. Via Control Panel > Administrative Tools, you can access Services. In the Services window, scroll down to Windows Update and turn off the process. To turn it off, right-click on the process, click on Properties and select Disabled. That will take care of Windows Updates not being installed on your machine.
Anyone can easily turn off window update service from the following below steps.
- Search Services in Window search bar and select Services.
- In the Services Window search Window Update service.
- Right-Click on it and select Properties.
- In the Window Update Properties select Disabled and click on Apply.
Now you successfully disable automatic window updates in your Computer.
2. Install Antivirus
Make sure you install the latest version of antivirus from a good company like Kaspersky and Avira.
3. Uninstall Internet Explorer
If you are not using Window 10 default browser Internet Explorer on your PC. Then my advice is to uninstall internet explorer on your PC. You can increase the performance of your computer from uninstalling Internet Explorer.
4. Download Chrome Browser or another Lightweight browser in your PC
Chrome is one of the best browsers for your Window PC. But the main problem with the Chrome browser is, it consumes lots of RAM.
Download PC UC Browser or Maxthon browser, if you don’t like chrome browser. If your computer has below 4GB RAM then these two browsers are best for you.
5. Uninstall Preinstalled Software
Remove preinstalled software from your Window PC can increase the performance of your Computer. When you buy a new Window 10 PC from a store, you PC manufacturer installed lots of software on your PC, that are not very useful for you. Uninstall these crap from your computer and make your computer clean.
PC Decrapifier is a advanced software for uninstalling preinstalled software in your Window 10 PC.
PC Decrapifier
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